Today, August 17, 2013, I had the great honor and privilege of officiating Travis and Sammy's wedding in the beautiful setting of East Canyon Resort in Morgan Utah! I met Travis and Sammy through a mutual friend and now they are part of my ever-increasing extended family!:)This is the wedding ceremony that I shared with Travis's and Sammy's friends and family!:) The ceremony began with a ring bearer and a flower girl walking down the aisle. They were followed by our beautiful bride being escorted by her mom!:) So amazing!:)
waiting patiently and a little nervously for our bride!:)
"A true marriage is an act of transformation...!"
"Sammy, are you choosing Travis to be your husband?"
"Travis, are you choosing Sammy to be your wife?"
"I present for the first time, Mr. & Mrs. Travis Barnes!"
Rev. Annie Benjamin
AUGUST 17, 2013
Love is friendship that has caught on fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence,
sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty
through the good and the bad. It accepts
less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love it content with the present. It hopes for the future, but doesn’t brood
over the past. It is the day-in and
day-out chronicles of irritations, compromises, small disappointments, big
victories, and working together toward common goals. If you have love in your life, it can make up
for a great many things that you lack. Sammy and Travis asked for it, they
found it, and today they share it! J
Friends and family, it is my great honor and privilege to
welcome you here today! On behalf of
Sammy and Travis, I want to thank you all for coming—all of you who have
traveled near and far and all of you who are joining us in spirit! Welcome! J
Marriage is a promise of hope between two people who love
each other sincerely, who respect and honor each other as unique individuals,
and who wish to share together a vast unknown future filled with unlimited
possibilities and potential!
Sammy and Travis, you have come here today as two and shall
leave this place of celebration as one united in that promise as you enter
together into the holy and blessed estate of matrimony! May your bond of friendship, love, and spirit
grow deeper and stronger with each day that you shared as husband and wife! J
A true marriage is an act of transformation, a creation and
rebirth as two lives blend into one.
There is no loss or giving up of one’s individual self; it is the
giving-over of self to something greater.
Sammy and Travis, in this creating process, you will each be challenged
to discover again and again, new depths and possibilities in yourself and in
each other. This wedding ceremony and
the vows you will speak to one another today are the beginning of that process.
In a sense, the whole of your lives up until now has brought you to this
moment, and together you create something wholly new and transcendent,
something that has never existed before—your unique marriage—an express that is
at the same time public and private, precious, sacred and truly unique to the
two of you. In the precious act of
marriage, you will open yourselves up to an even fuller experience and
expression of the vast miracle of love.
The commitment to love that forms the heart of your unique marriage
means that you will walk through the rest of your days with a true best friend
beside you, one you can laugh with and cry with, grow old with, and feel
forever young with. J
Family and friends, love has gathered us here today in this
beautiful setting where the sky is our only ceiling, the earth our only floor,
and the horizons our only walls. It is
the unconditional love and commitment which exists so strongly between Sammy
and Travis. It is also the love and
commitment that each of us has for this amazing couple. We are here today to show our love and
support as Sammy and Travis embark on their journey of discovery as husband and
wife. Let us always be there to show our
love and support! J
Sammy and Travis, you have asked me here today to join you
as husband and wife. Are you both freely
choosing to enter into the holy and sacred estate of matrimony, to enjoy
together all its rights and potentials/
We are! J
Sammy, are you choosing Travis to be your lawfully wedded
husband? Will you love him, comfort him,
honor and respect him through all that life places before you? Will you hold him in highest regard, always
offering your deepest love and friendship to him throughout your days together?
I do! J
Travis, are you choosing Sammy to be your lawfully wedded
wife? Will you love her, comfort her,
honor and respect her through all that life places before you? Will you hold her in highest regard, always
offering your deepest love and friendship to her throughout your days together?
I do! J
(Rings will be tied on a ribbon in my notebook) These rings, your gifts to each other, are
the outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love which joins your
two hearts together. They are the
symbols to the world of the friendship, love, and faithful that we celebrate
today. They are round like the sun, the
moon, the earth, and the universe. As
circle, they are the symbol for infinity.
They have no beginning and no end with no points of weakness. May they be blessed so that you, the givers
and receiver, walk in peace, joy, and harmony and be forever surrounded by the
unconditional love and commitment that has brought you together! J
Sammy, please repeat after me: “Travis, I choose you to be
my wedded husband, my equal partner in life, beside and apart from me in all of
life’s situations. I ask you be no other
than yourself, loving what I know of you and trusting what I have yet to see.
(Place the ring on his finger.) With this ring, I marry my best friend today,
tomorrow, and always!” J
Travis, please repeat after me: “Sammy, I choose you to be
my wedded wife, my equal partner in life, beside me and apart from me in all of
life’s situations. I ask you be no other
than yourself, loving what I know of you and trusting what I have yet to
see. (Place the ring on her finger.)
With this ring, I marry my best friend today, tomorrow, and always!” J
May all that you are always be in love and may love always
be in you! May life’s situations always serve you well to strengthen the bond
of friendship, love, and spirit that we celebrate today! May you always see and
encourage the best in each other! And may you always be each other’s best
friend and greatest love! J
Sammy and Travis, you have exchanged words of love and
commitment and have sealed this pledge with the giving and receiving of
rings. It is not a minister standing
before you that makes your marriage real. It is the love, honesty, and
sincerity with which you have said and done these things tonight. Under the ordinance of God and according to
the laws governing the state of Utah, it is now my great honor and privilege to
pronounce what your souls have know forever, that you are indeed husband and
wife! J
Travis, you may now kiss your bride! J
Now, I present for the first time ever, Mr. & Mrs.
Travis Barnes! J